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Jemangmaega [Acrylic I]

Original Work

( ) only painted (acrylic) one year -- 2016...
Due to economic hardship, ( ) couldn't continue...
Besides, ( ) was busy scribbling scripts that went nowhere... 


[Owner]: Dr. Andrew Booty / UCSF / Langley_Porter​


Avatar: DeviantArt: [IanSaph]



Home: Bio

Cosmos [Acrylic II]

( ) only have two acrylic paintings:


Size: 5" x 7" (Both)

[1] Jemangmaega

[2] Cosmos


[Owner]: Alan Wilens*


*Alan Wilens gave ( ) the Acer PC -- ( ) Ex_Boyfriend_#2 (Hacker) killed it, because ( ) was not stomaching him having an affair... & this is not the first time this particular scenario played out... So, can  somebody tell ( ) y would ( ) in ( ) right mind want to have another relationship? What have ( ) not learned to repeat yet once more? & what guarantees there won't b the third round? Y can't ( ) choose to live without a 'Significant_Who'? Because the landlord will block ( ) mailbox & cover up the peephole on the door so ( ) cannot c who is knocking on the door? So, if someone offers to rescue ( ), what would b the criteria that ( ) don't get into his/her nerve & if ( ) do, then what?

Home: About

Perspective of One's Own



Via Microsoft Paint / UFO: PhotoshopExpress(Old)SpecialEffect


DeviantArt: [Defy-Myth]

Naver: [ParanNancho_Directory]




Pinterest: [MargaretUnhee]


Mozello: [Gallery] / [Gallery de Rothko_Fantasy]


Mozello: [Gallery_II] / [IanSaph© Fabric_Design]


Naver: Pistachio_Cat: [Mundane_31]


Home: About


Digital / Acrylic I


( ) painted them (3) over & only the photo images in digital form of them exist...


Digital / Acrylic II


There are only three Digital/Acrylic pieces:


[I] Young_Im

[II] Un_Hee 

[III] Avatar: [DISQUS] / [VIKI] : Title forgotten

Home: About
Minerva Li

Minerva Li &( ) both live in the same town, San Francisco; it just so happens ( ) once took black & white photo of 'Pier 7', but couldn't remember where ( ) had placed it & remembering that many people took pictures of the popular tourist spot ( ) Google searched & found her black & white that caught ( ) attention; ( ) found her website & went through it & picked out what ( ) liked & decided to share with anyone who might be interested in checking them out; voila~

Twitter @itsjudicious

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